7 Tips Adsense Gurus Give Us To Maximize Our Adsense Earnings

 One of the principal means to monetize your blog is through Google Adsense. The power of making money with Google Adsense program is more like a money magic. People with personal blogs have turned it into an internet “cash cow” with the help of Google and have made it their main source of income. High school kids, housewives, etc, are now making a breath-taking amount of money from Adsense alone by just placing ads on their personal blogs or sites. If you move up a little, you meet the super Adsense earners; the Adsense Elites: we all have heard of them or come across their books. Many people call them the Adsense Gurus. These people can make close to half a million dollars through Adsense publishing.

Are you thinking yet? These people started small too, until they got to the point they are. They run virtually everything on autopilot with webmasters who create sites for them. The projects that normally take us time and days to accomplish like keyword research and blog posts are no more their problem. Many have tried copying their system but have failed. Success can only be effectively copied if the secret to that success is known. Getting to hold the secret of these great Adsense earners can still be a daunting task without any help from somebody who has been within the loop. I have read dozens of articles and e-book extracts explaining all about making money online through adsense. Below I list the main and common points they reveal:

Secrets Of Mega Adsense Earners

1. Be Committed To Your Adsense Business.

Many publishers never see their Adsense business as a real business but rather a virtual fun. In order to succeed you need to be a 100% committed. Take your online business seriously as you would with your offline business. Be professional, track your progress and never make the same mistake twice. Sometimes, novices have the fallacy that their online actions stay transparent and unseen. Well, you better be careful because everything is tracked and consequences are lurking.

2. Stay Within The Circle

Use the latest Adsense tools and software for your business. The super Adsense earners are always very smart. They apply the services of these tools first and dump them when they get ineffective. These tools serve as their secret weapon and that is why they must get hold of it first.

3. Choose the right Keywords

A lot of publishers go for those keywords that have high payout range with too much competition. They might get lucky every now and then. But the mega Adsense earners always look out for those less competitive keywords and build a lot of sites with them. It pays more on the long run.

4. Start With An Umbrella

In order to be more focused and effective, you need to start with a broad subject which you can easily break down. Choosing a broad niche and breaking it down makes your work concentrated and allow for flexible connection between your sites or blogs. This way you also keep your visitors longer into your site.


5. Keep It Simple

Make your sites or blogs simple and easy to navigable. A slick home page with clear links always predisposes the visitors positively and you reduce the bounce rate of your site.

6. Purpose

Do not build a site without a purpose. Your site cannot be everything to everybody. It has to be narrowed down to a topic. Target a certain group of people with common interests. They are going to be your audience in the long term.

7. Consistency

Track your success and repeat what works. Building just a site is not enough. You have to build to exhaust all possible sub-niches within your broad subject. Then chose another subject and continue your work. Your audience will appreciate the valuable content you give to the web.

Where To Start

Take it gradually and start from a subject. The truth is that any effort you put in now will surely pay back. The more money you will make depends on how many sites you build. So keep sowing those seeds, you will reap your harvest when they have grown and matured.

This is a guest post written by Steven Papas. Check out his blog at VeryBestSoftware.net where he reviews digital products and provides valuable coupons to save money on the software.


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